“Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”
How the Roma Are Becoming Europe’s New Moral Army
If you have time consider reading this article from Newsweek.
0.40% Evangelical (1/250 people)
Roman Catholicism is by far the largest denomination present in Spain. According to a study by the Spanish Centre for Sociological Research in 2014 about 69% of Spaniards self-identify as Catholics, 2% other faith, and about 26% identify as atheists or declare they have no no religion.[1] Most Spaniards do not participate regularly in religious worship. -Religion in Spain, wikipedia
The Tabiendo Family
Serving through ReachGlobal (EFCA) in Madrid, Spain
Please keep praying for:
* Our children to continue to grow stronger in the grace & knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ as they transition to life in the USA
* The Spirit's power to minister effectively to family, friends & churches and in making new friends
* Workers to join our Madrid City Team. [Let us know of an potential missionaries](mailto:sam.tabiendo@efca.org). (Maybe You?)
* Yahweh Jireh's providence in meeting our support, lacking, $810 more/month
We cannot express enough gratitude for you & your prayers. Spain is still deeply rooted in our hearts & minds. We are thankful for all the Lord's done already