Pastor Alex Montoya
Scripture: John 21:15-25
Service: Sunday Morning
The Care Of Our Risen Savior
Pastor Alex Montoya
Scripture: John 21:1-14
Service: Sunday Morning
Christ Arose! Now What?
Pastor Alex Montoya
Scripture: John 20:19-31
Service: Sunday Morning
Christ, Our Gracious Mediator
Pastor Alex Montoya
Scripture: Hebrews 2:14-18; 4:14-16; 5:7-10
Service: Sunday Morning
Christ Our Merciful Mediator
Pastor Alex Montoya
Scripture: Hebrews 2:14-18; 4:14-16
Service: Sunday Morning
Christ, Our Sufficient Mediator
Pastor Alex Montoya
Scripture: Hebrews 1:1-4
Service: Sunday Morning
Christ, Our Only Mediator - Part 2
Pastor Alex Montoya
Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:1-7
Service: Sunday Morning
Christ, Our Only Mediator - Part 1
Pastor Alex Montoya
Scripture: John 17:1
Service: Sunday Morning
Christ is Risen: Proof From The Empty Tomb
Pastor Alex Montoya
Scripture: Acts 1:1-3
Service: Sunday Morning
Christ's Heart For The Lost
Pastor Alex Montoya
Scripture: Matthew 9:35-38
Service: Sunday Morning
Christ's Words: The Ultimate Authority
Pastor Alex Montoya
Scripture: John 12:44-50
Service: Sunday Morning
Christ Is Eternal
Pastor Alex Montoya
Scripture: John 8:48-59
Service: Sunday Morning
Christ-Exalting Love
Pastor Kempiz Hernandez
Scripture: Philippians 1:3-11
Service: Sunday Evening
Hold Tight To Christ
Dr. Richard Bargas, Jr.
Scripture: Hebrews 10:1-25
Service: Sunday Morning